Medical Chronology | Medical Opinion | Deposition Summary | Demand Letter |Medical Narrative Summaries| Medical Malpractice | Medical Synopsis | Personal Injury | Mass Tort Cases|
Medical Record Review For Attorneys aims at providing the medical events in a chronological order detailing the nature of the injury, mechanism of injury, diagnostic studies, diagnoses, conservative management, surgical management, and the prognosis. We review medical records to prepare medical chronology, medical summary or narrative summary, medical synopsis, demand letter, deposition summary, and medical opinion for attorneys. We also prepare special reports in the form of graphs, charts, timelines, etc., as a value addition. We prepare the medical chronology at high quality standards and at the earliest turnaround time. Even the most complex cases are presented briefly with all the critical details in regards to liability and causation. We also communicate the missing details and malingering statements in the medical chronology.
We have extensive experience in reviewing medical records and providing detailed chronologies in various types of personal injury claims. The chronology details the facts and liability, injuries, pain and suffering, loss of income, disabilities, and impairments. We prepare medical chronologies with utmost care for all of the common personal injury claims including motor vehicle collision, fall injury, workmen’s compensation, burn injury, gunshot injury, physical abuse, veteran records, mental health records, and disability claims.
We prepare medical chronologies for medical malpractice/medical negligence cases. The legal elements in the medical malpractice cases include any sort of breach in the duty of a medical professional including but not limited to missed or delayed diagnoses, failed processes, surgical errors, skilled nursing facility claims, childbirth injuries, and failure to discuss the risks of the procedures before obtaining consent from the patient. The injuries or damages sustained as a result of such a breach will be considered for medical malpractice claims. We also prepare medical documents for COVID-19 claims under medical malpractice.
We prepare the case summary report for claims such as Prescribed drugs or other medications, malfunction and/or dysfunction of Medical devices or other medical products, Other unsafe, defective or dangerous products, Automobiles and automotive parts, Household products, Sports and recreational equipment, Outdoor products, Food products, Asbestos, and other toxic contamination or pollution.
We are a team of paramedics with extensive
experience in healthcare, mainly focusing
on delivering standard quality and
cost-effective projects.
Health Gloss is a unique hub where we have
medical professionals who care about your
clients who have suffered injuries
Use business to inspire and implement
solution for every claim through
high quality standards.
Health Gloss Legal Services is committed to deliver high standard quality products.
We are extremely happy with your service!
We greatly appreciate your Medical Chronologies!!!
Your narrative summaries are precise with all relevant details.